A Busy Missionary is a Happy Missionary

So once upon a time p-days are the best and worst part of my mission. They're the best when you get all of your food for the week, clean, see something cool and take pictures, and get two whole hours for writing (as prescribed by President). They're the worst when you don't get to clean, get roped into something that you thought would be fun and quick but ends up taking way too long, forget to take many pictures, go shopping because your companion can't seem to find a coat she likes (who ends up not getting anything anyway), and lose a whole hour of email writing time, which means you can either choose to eat dinner or write a last-minute note.

Guess which one today is?
(Also I'm sorry. I'm working on the complaining thing.)

But yeah, so that was basically today. The thing we did was a picnic on Donauinsel with the Wiener Neustadt Sisters. It was sweet and fun, and my complaining makes it sound worse than it is, I just dislike wasting unnecessary time waiting for other people and my mission has only further developed this quality.

Last week for p-day, I forgot to mention it in my email because it got deleted, but we went to Raueheneck in Baden! It's where my parents got engaged, so it has special significance in my family. It was my favorite p-day so far, so I'm glad I got a lot of pictures.

Wednesday we finally met with Mario, who is the busiest guy I've ever met. It was really sweet, and he told me: "I think you're closer to perfection than you think you are." We were talking about the Plan of Salvation, and he asked really good insightful questions. We also met with Hannah and Schwester Kraus, both of whom are amazing people.

Thursday we met with Lisa, a NB. She's hilarious, so it's always entertaining to meet with her.

Friday we had no appointments because Abraham (actually, I think it's Ibraham) was so late that he made Moses angry and Moses didn't want to meet with us when he was in a bad mood.

Saturday we met with Bruna (NB) and Kyra came along (she's the wife of our GML, and they've been married for almost a year and been home from their missions for just over a year). That was a great time, because we're all tight. We also had another BoM Extravaganza, in which we gave out 7 copies! Whaddup?! It was crazy. Every single person that actually stopped to talk to us took a copy. It was incredible.

Sunday we had another ward picnic, which was nice. We also had another lesson with Nibil, who is not making very much progress and keeps asking the same questions every single lesson. I'm not sure how much he actually understands, so we're hoping to have an Elder who speaks Arabic come along to the next lesson to see if its because he doesn't have good German comprehension or if it's because he doesn't want to retain anything we teach him. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.

Yesterday we had Zone Conference,  which was the absolute best. I loved seeing a few of my MTC friends again, and better yet I got to see President and Sister Brown again, who are just the absolute sweetest couple that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. They just warm my soul. ❤

And that's about it for this week. There's more to the stories, and I wish I had the extra hour, but as it is I'm still happy I got to hit the highlights. Things that happened that I don't remember the specific day:
    We met a Frenchie who asked some of the most insightful questions I've had someone ask us on my mission.
    We had prayed to find a new investigator that we could teach a lesson to when we met them (our zone has a goal of two new friends every day, and the ones we don't get roll over into the next, so we're trying to find new ways to help us reach said goal), and so we went finding. We had to sit down to write our number on more pass-along cards, and the guy next to us sneezed, and S. Neumann said gesundheit. That led to an hour long conversation/lesson and we got his contact info and we're meeting with him this week! Also, I just remembered, that was on Thursday.

And despite all of the complaining, we are happy and busy, because a missionary is happy when they are busy. 😁 So I am happy, no stress. 😙

Also, Sister Neumann gave me my first shoulder massage since leaving home, because she looked at me one day and asked me why my shoulders were so tense. There was no reason, other than that they had tensed over time. They were literally so tight and still have so many knots, but I can roll them now!

Fav new word: servus - a greeting/goodbye between friends
Fav funny story: Moses being angry because he waited for 2 hours for Ibraham. It was sad, but also amusing and he was laughing about it the next day.
Fav spiritual: in gospel library there's a new thing under the church history folder called "Saints, volume 1". It's been what I've been reading in every spare moment I have. I love learning about the Restoration, and it's actually a promise in PMG that we'll want to learn more about it the more we discover the truth. :)

Love you all, and I'll do my best to document this next week better. ;)
Much love,
Sister Hamilton 


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