Rauheneck und Wienerschnitzel

Reenacting Kirsten's parents' engagement in 1983
Smiling Companions at Rauheneck, a 12th Century Castle Ruin in Baden bei Wien

Last P-day, we went to Stephansdom. We were there for only a short time, because we had an appointment afterwards, and also the tower was closed for dinnertime, which was a shame. But it was immer noch beautiful. ☺ It just means we get to go back again one day. 😉 The lesson we had was with this really awesome guy named Moses and his friend Abraham (we had a good laugh). They were so excited to read the Book of Mormon that they asked where they could buy it and they were so happy to hear we were going to give them one. There's a little more to the story, but I don't have time to type it up this week.
Wednesday, we met with Hannah (the Neu-bekehrt) and had a really cool discussion about the Word of Wisdom. It was especially interesting because she said that before she learned about the W.o.W. she didn't like drinking and smoking, but she didn't have a good reason not to do these things and all of her friends were doing them. When she learned about the W.o.W., she felt relieved! She was so grateful for a higher standard! That doesn't mean it was always easy to follow, but it brought her so much joy. I love meeting with the NB's in our ward, because they have such amazing insights and they always help me to be reminded of the blessings that come from living the gospel.

That afternoon we met for half an hour with a mom and her two little kids and taught a very simplified lesson on charity.

Thursday we had some fun adventures with the VISA office. After a couple of miscommunications and confusions, I got a VISA! So now I'm legal and won't be deported (at least, not because of a VISA).

We ran from there to a Neu-bekehrt lesson with Leonie (she was baptised my first Saturday in Wien) and she brought her non-member friend Karen. It was amazing! Karen has been visiting our church for a few months now, she's read the entire Book of Mormon (and asked for a copy of D&C so she can read it), and she said she'd like to be baptised in November (that might be a bit early, but she's still excited!). The only thing holding her back is that she wants to ask her parents for permission, and she's scared that her Dad is going to say she can't be baptised. But this past Fast Sunday, all of the missionaries in our ward fasted and prayed for her, so we'll see what happens!

We ate lunch that day with a sweet older woman (a friend of Schwester Kraus) named Schwester Teply. She was so sweet, and I have so much love in my heart for her. She is very lonely, though, and it just showed to me the importance of saying hi to the widows. Dad, you do good work❤  

Thursday we met with this "friend with interest" named Hasan, and he's a sweetheart. He was very interested, and we're excited to bring him a Book of Mormon in Turkish. 😊

Friday we met with Nibil for the second time (he used to be the Elder's investigator). He is 
still very nice, but we need to pass him off to the Elders before he gets too attached to us (we try to pass off "friends" so the Elders teach guys and the Sisters teach girls). He was very late though because it rained pretty hard! I still just turn into a child every time it rains - it makes me so happy. :) And after that appointment we ran to a Book of Mormon extravaganza on Mariahilferstraße, where we gave out 3 copies. :)

Saturday we had ward mission council (I gave the spiritual thought auf Deutsch) and a dinner appointment with a sweet woman and her non-member husband with the Elders. She was very sweet, and her husband wasn't feeling very well so he mostly kept to his room, but did come out to eat food. The Elders were, as always, hilarious.

Yesterday we had District Council, which was weird because with transfers and district reorganization, we had quite a few different people. It was still good, but I do miss those who have gone elsewhere. Then we had a lunch appointment with our Young Women's President - I got to try Kaiserschmarrn, and oh my days is that stuff good! 😋 After that, we met with Sandra (another "friend with interest") and taught her the Plan of Salvation. I'm not sure what she thought of it, because she internalizes everything, but I felt good after the lesson so I'm going with that. :) Then we had a dinner appointment with the Krywult family, who are a young sweet married couple with a baby.

I had my favorites typed up, which include a great story about how were finally cool enough to get Almdudler directly from Frau Martina now, but then my draft deleted and I had to salvage what I had saved in a note. So, sorry!

Love you all!
Sister Hamilton 
Rauheneck ruins, looking across the valley in the Vienna Woods


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