Transfer Calls

This week has been a pretty normal week, so that's nice.

On Wednesday, we met with Schwester Kraus - I can't remember if I've already talked about her or not, but basically she's a really sweet old lady who feeds us food while we talk about random things like the weather, and then at the end we teach her one of the lessons we would teach an investigator (this way, we get to practice and she likes it because it reminds her of when she first met with the missionaries years ago). She's just basically one of my favorite people in the ward. <3

Thursday was probably my favorite day this week. We had District Meeting and interviews with our Mission President, who was kind enough to come all the way out to the edge of our mission to do them in person. District Meeting was hilarious (we always spice things up with games), and I always love seeing my mission friends in a setting where we actually have time to sit and talk. And then interviews with Präsident - oh, so good! First of all, he talked to us as a group about various things for the future of our mission (for instance, we are anticipating about four Persian-Speaking Missionaries (as in, that's the language they will learn in the MTC) to support the number of Auslanders we're teaching). Secondly, Präsident Brown is just such a sweetheart. He and his wife are #couplegoals, but when it's just him he is still amazing and just brings such a light, sweet spirit; I feel so blessed to work with him! Plus, in interviews he gave me some husband-finding advice, and when stuff like that comes from someone as close to the Spirit as he is - you listen! Basically, he's just all-around so refreshing to be with, and I can't wait for Zone Conference on the 10th!

Right after interviews, we ran to a lunch appointment with the Relief Society President, who has a 1-year-old süße daughter <3 and she fed us curry <3 and she showed us her adorable wedding pictures <3 and she told us about her mission <3 and basically she's another member added to my list of favorite people in Vienna.

On Friday, we met with Peter and taught him the second lesson. At the end of it, he told us that he's more interested in learning about what we believe so that he can correct other people when they talk about Mormons, than about actually committing to anything. We aren't going to drop him, though. He has yet to pray and we think that over time his heart could be changed. After him, we met with Andrea (the old lady waiting to be baptised because she needs permission from her doctor) and Clara (the old lady member who I found out is her mother-in-law in some confusing way). They're sweet. :) It is always an adventure meeting with them, though, because Clara loves to talk for Andrea (even though we really go to meet with her), and they love to feed us. Which I am grateful for, but after eating half of an overly greasy, lukewarm, sticky pizza and choking down Caro coffee that is somehow both too sweet and too bitter at the same time.... I'm learning just how strong my stomach actually is. They also gave us some old skirts, which was sweet, but they were too small so unfortunately I won't be able to use them (I was actually really looking forward to them - I love handmedowns!). Also, on the way home, it was POURING. And we were about to take the street train home, but I somehow convinced S. Neumann to let us walk. I was giggling and smiling the whole way, and I'm pretty sure we looked insane. But it was so fun. :)

Saturday, we had transfer calls! When we picked up the phone, the Elders said "Pack your bags... and switch cupboards and beds (if you want) because you're both staying." So after a slight panic moment, we laughed and got ready to buckle down here in Wien for this next transfer. Yee. We met with an investigator of the Elders that used to work our area (did I already mention that Sisters have only been here for 2 transfers? I don't remember what I've told you anymore!). It was really interesting to meet with him because he's Muslim and asks us a lot of questions about Christ, and other churches and what they believe. We ended up clarifying for him that we're only here to teach what we believe, but he seemed satisfied with that anyway so we'll meet again. :) We also went bahn-contacting because of all of the rain we've been having (I love it so much), and I was talking to this one lady from China and the whole railcar was listening to me. I didn't realize anyone else was paying attention until we got off and S. Neumann congratulated me, but hey - I got to testify to about 6 people by just talking to one! It was awesome. :) It just goes to show that you never know who's watching, and that you never realize the circle of your influence.

Sunday was my second favorite day of the week. We had GMK (I think in English it's Ward Mission Council?) for the second time since I've been here, as our GML (Ward Mission Leader) has been in Croatia on vacation. Then, in Sacrament meeting we got the announcement that President Nelson sent out that we're no longer referring to ourselves as "Mormons" or "The LDS Church", which made me really excited and happy because A) as missionaries we're already doing this by saying we're missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ and B) it's much needed. It did make me wonder about what's going to happen to the "I'm a Mormon" campaign and, but I'm sure it'll all work out. Yay for modern prophets! Then at night, we met with the Vincent Familie and the Elders for dinner, which was sooo good. First of all, the food reminded me of home (shoutout to Mom's white chicken chili) and I actually enjoyed the chocolate cake. Second of all, it was in English so I understood everything. Third of all, they're just an all-around solid family. :)

Yesterday, we had district council again. It's sad, because my two best MTC buds are leaving me! E. Buss is going to Linz, and E. Fairbanks is staying in Wien but switching districts because of logistics. So I'll be all alone with a bunch of experienced people, and two new Elders straight outta the MTC.

Other than what I've mentioned, our time has been filled with finding people and texting people and studying and eating and sleeping. :)

Oh, also, we had a fruit-fly infestation in our kitchen. I had noticed a few buzzing around, and just thought my nectarines were attracting them, and didn't think much of it but just aired out the kitchen a bit. But THEN. *shudder* We went to take out the trash and Sister Neumann scrunched it down to tie the bag and this swarm of fruit flies just exploded. It was traumatizing. Our kitchen reeks of apple-cider vinegar, and the flies STILL AREN'T DYING. But there are less of them now. I just haven't had an appetite for the past few days.

Favorite funny story: So Frau Martina likes to give a lot of Almdudler (a delicious soda found only in Austria) to the Elders and a lot of orange juice to the Sisters. We've been trying to trade with the Elders for so long, and we finally struck a deal that we would give them 2 orange juices for 1 Almdudler. We even shook on it. And then we snuck in a multivitamin syrup that we also go from Frau Martina. And now we have Almdudler! I guess it's not that funny of a story unless you know the dynamics of the Frau Martina/juice/Almdudler/Elders/S. Neumann situation, but it makes me smile. :)

Favorite new word: dankenswerterweise - thankfully

Favorite spiritual thought: Recently I've really come to appreciate the fact that we have a modern prophet. I just love reading everything from General Conference and the Ensign and watching Mormon Messages and just... Ah! It's just so good. I love the Book of Mormon and what I can learn from it, and I'll never be finished reading and rereading it. But the power that comes from modern revelation about things we struggle with in our day is something else. I'm hyped for General Conference in October. I want to make a count-down chain. ;D

Fun numbers fact: I've been in the field for 6 weeks. I've been on my mission for 3 months. I only need to do the 3 months thing 5 more times, and then I'm home. In other words, I'm 1/6th done with my mission. I have 15 months left. It simultaneously is crawling and flying by. Yay for mission timewarps.

Fun myself fact: I feel like my capitalizations have gone off the wall. I don't know why, because I know in English we only capitalize proper nouns, but in German it's every noun. So now in English it's a lot of random things that I'm pretty sure don't need to be capitalized. Also, fun fact, it's been really hard not to deunglish these letters. But if I did, they would be unreadable to anyone who doesn't speak German/have google translate nearby.

Love y'all!
~Sister Hamilton


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