50 Things Learned

Präsident and Sister Brown ask each of their missionaries to send them 50 things that they learned on their missions, and I thought I'd share mine with each of you. Enjoy - there's a story behind each one. 💙
1: Not every missionary has the same standards or expectations that you do, even with the white handbook and Preach My Gospel.

The best way for you to ensure success is by following the Spirit and listening to what HE tells you is right. It may not be popular, it may be awkward, and it likely won't be easy. But lead through example, and you can have the Spirit confirm to you that what you're doing is right.
2: I want to do everything I possibly can so that I and everyone else can live with God again.
3: There are obnoxious people no matter where you are and no matter what you're doing.

BUT there are also WONDERFUL people no matter where you are and no matter what you're doing. You find what you're looking for, so remember to look for the good.
And about the annoying people... Don't dwell on their stupidity, and make the most of your situation. ;)
4: God only works with moving feet. So say a prayer, get up, and act in faith, even if you haven't gotten your answer yet. It often comes after the moment of decision.

Yes, that may mean a little bit of an Umkehr, but it's like Elder Holland said - sometimes God leads us (or lets us) down the wrong path first so that we know we're going in the right direction in the end.
5: It's not about you!

So many missionaries have this mindset that if they go on a mission, they'll come back a better person. Quite a few can get stuck in this rut and question why they're not further along in their progression than they thought they'd be, why they remind themselves of their pre-mission self a little too much, why they aren't more like Elder-or-Sister-so-and-so. But the mission isn't about you! God didn't call you here to make you a better person - you could've taken a self-help class for that one. Heavenly Father called you on a mission because He needs you in His army to help gather Israel. You do that through service and love and selflessness, and as you forget about yourself and just concentrate on others, God refines you and turns you into who He needs you to be. "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."
6: I can love everyone on this earth.

Some people make it a little more difficult than others, and I may be disappointed in a few, but each person is a child of God, and I bet that if I really sat down with them and got to know their story, I'd be able to see each of them as Christ sees them. Yes, that includes the crazy lady in Linz, yes, that includes the comp that made my life difficult, yes, that includes the friend who dropped us for seemingly no reason, and yes, that even includes myself. ❤️
7: True love is putting someone else's needs before your own. That's how you know Christ loves you, and that's how you should love others.
8: It's so important to be present - not just physically, but also mentally.

I'm a day dreamer - always have been, and likely always will be. However, those times where I paused my day dreaming enough to tune into a conversation with someone, I was able to connect to their heart and hear the whisperings of the Spirit telling me what they needed. That, and I know I won't ever let the good ol' days pass me by without my noticing. Focus on the here and now!
9: I want to be someone He can trust.
10: Jesus Christ is perfect, and He wasn't happy 100% of the time. That shows me that I don't have to be happy 100% of the time.

It's not just okay to be sad or frustrated, it's NECESSARY. Allow yourself to feel the negative emotions. Breathe deeply. Say a prayer. You'll be able to move on or resolve the situation much faster, and it will be infinitely easier for the Spirit to be with you.
11: The Book of Mormon is my favorite book.

The challenge extended by Russell M. Nelson in October 2018 really helped me to realize what a treasure it is. Searching for Christ in each page taught me that it truly is another testament of Christ. I love it so much!
12: Making others smile/bringing others joy has become one of my life goals.
13: If God needs it to happen, it's going to happen.

He wants each of His children to make it back to Him, and He's going to do everything He can to bless them with that opportunity. You can either choose to help Him, or get out of His way. I recommend helping Him. ;)
14: Everything we do is just to show God we're willing to be obedient until the Lord can accomplish His purposes through us. "And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer." (Msh 27:36)

Literally almost every single prepared person I've taught has come from the most unexpected place. I thought that if I went finding I'd find people to teach. Ahaha, oh no. That's not always how it works. But as long as we do our part, God will work miracles.
15: God blessed me with several spiritual gifts on the mission that I didn't ask for and didn't know existed, but will be forever grateful for the opportunity to have.
16: Satan is afraid of righteous action. Make him scared enough of what you're doing to feel the need to fight back. And when he does: stand tall, square your shoulders, and trust that God has sent His angels to protect you. We are all warriors in the greatest battle ever fought, and we're on the winning side. Take courage in that fact.
17: Missionaries live and work on Kolob time.
18: I learned how the Spirit speaks to me, personally.

And I learned how to listen. 😉
19: The Priesthood is one of the greatest gifts that we have on this earth.

I want and I need it in my home. I never want to have to live without it. Time and time again I've been amazed at the pure inspiration that comes from heaven during a blessing, the power that it brings to the words of every missionary's testimony, and the strength it has given me both in my apartment and out. I'm so grateful that even though I don't hold the Priesthood myself, I know I can always have access to its power through righteous living and through upholding my callings. Thanks be to God for THIS unspeakable gift!
20: Sister Saunders - Even if we're not exactly the person someone can use in a time of need, we can always help them by leading them to the greatest source of strength - our Heavenly Father. (Thank you for trusting me.)
21: Sister Baird - Love is the greatest motivation for obedience. (Thank you for your example of charity.)
22: Sister Neumann - Don't be an action-killer. (Thanks for your boundless energy for the work.)
23: Sister J. Smith - Speak kindly of everyone. (Thanks for showing me how to remember the bad with a positive light.)
24: Sister Spratt - There's no such thing as regrets; there's only learning and growing experiences. (Thank you for being there for me.)
25: Sister Kubricky - Looking out for the people around you is one of the greatest ways to serve those you care for. (Thank you for always remembering what I forgot.)
26: Sister Meisenfelder - Communication is the key to any successful relationship. (Thank you for teaching me how to love.)
27: Sister Akre - It could always be schlimmer. (Thank you for showing me what it means to have determination and dedication.)
28: Sister B. Smith - We all have something to offer. (Thank you for helping me to have faith in myself and others.)
29: There are three places on earth where I feel closest to my Heavenly Father: nature, the Temple, and my home.

One of those takes an active effort on my part, but it's so worth walking through that door at the end of a long day and feeling a renewal of strength because of the Spirit contained within those walls. My home should be an extention of the temple. Consequently, I should clean it often, pray always, study the Gospel daily, and maintain a good Spirit consistently. I want everyone who visits my home to feel like they've entered a place of refuge from the world. I finally found the key to my childhood home, and I'm so grateful to my parents for creating such a wonderful environment for me to grow up in. It's time for me to continue that legacy.
30: Prayer can and should be a conversation with God.

I used to think that meant that I would ramble on for however long I felt I needed to, and then wait and wait and wait for God's response. It never really worked and so I was always confused by this. But one of my dearest friends explained it to me and it finally clicked: Stop talking so much! If you really want it to be a conversation, there needs to be an ebb and flow to it. Say a few sentences, ask a question, and wait. Listen to your thoughts and if your heart confirms them, then you know God responded. You can build off of that response and continue the prayer, always waiting again to listen to Him. This way of praying moved my heart and now I finally understand how prayer can change countenances. (3 Nephi 19:24-25) I love talking WITH my Heavenly Father, and not just AT Him.
31: The Peace and Comfort the Gospel brings are priceless.

My knowledge about the Plan of Salvation and God and Christ's love for me is literally the most precious possession I have.
32: Wir sind genau, wo wir sein sollten.

Each person's unique talents and quirks are necessary for the work to progress. This applies to any church calling - including missionaries! When someone joins you in your work, it doesn't make sense to tell them not to interact with a certain person in a certain way - for all you know, this change could be exactly what the other person needed. And for you, that means it's okay to be yourself. :) Use your talents!
33: If you feel like you don't have enough time in the day, that means you haven't spent enough time with God and you need to readjust your priorities.

The things that bring us closer to Him actually take less time than the things that pull us away (z. B. compare 30 mins personal study to a Netflix binge-watching session). Even though reading the scriptures, praying, church, serving others, etc. can seem to take up a lot of time in your day, if you give them priority in your schedule you will seemingly find extra hours for the other activities that you find so important. It's like the jar analogy - put in the ping-pong balls first, and then the gravel, then the sand, and eventually the water. That way, everything can fit and fall into place. Whereas if you do it the other way around, it's not all going to fit. So if you feel overwhelmed by everything there is to do, make time to be with God.
34: You can learn from anything if you make the decision to.
35: Selfless service goes a long way in building up trust.
36: "The antidote for pride is a love of God so deep that it extends to the love of God's children and engenders in you a hunger to give service." - Henry B. Eyring, Good Judgement and Common Sense
37: I learned the kind of person I want to be, and the kind of person I want to marry.

It's infinitely easier to be obedient (and keep your covenants) when your companion is being obedient (and keeping their covenants) themselves. I want to be that companion for my husband, and I need my husband to be that companion for me. We're in this together!
38: The best way to write a talk in a foreign language is not the day before you have to give it.
39: Every person we talk to is a potential God or Goddess.

If we start thinking of others in this way, it makes the work just a little easier, and it expands our ability to receive revelation to know how best to help them.
40: Pushing all klingels on an apartment building at once is just about the stupidest method of dooring I've ever tried.
41: It'll all work out.

There will be hours, days, weeks, and transfers where you honestly can't see how you're going to schaff everything. I've had several moments where I felt like the world was collapsing around me and I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But through these experiences I've learned that as long as I just move forward one step at a time and trust in God, things seem to magically fall into place - often not in the way I expected, but in exactly the way they needed to. After all, I've survived everything I've come across so far. So don't stress. It'll all work out. :)
42: I need friends who care about me enough to tell me to shut up and go to bed when I'm sick.
43: God answers prayers.

He always answers. If you don't feel like you're being heard, look a little harder. It's possible He's answering you in a way that you don't recognize, or maybe He's giving you an answer you don't want or believe. But no matter what, He's there and He's trying to reach you. Open your heart, your mind, and the scriptures, and let Him help you.
44: Going through trials is the fastest way to progress. They are a necessary part of life, and we won't be able to truly fulfill our potential without them.

However, it's going to be a while until I'm dumb enough to ask God to send me a trial again. He truly answers prayers. 😅
45: There is so much to be learned from the scriptures, if we only give the effort to look.
46: I was called on this mission for a reason.

I needed to meet the people I met, work with the people I worked with, love the people I loved, get hurt by those who hurt me, see the things I saw, learn the things I learned, and gain a testimony of the things I gained a testimony of. Everything I came across on my mission was exactly what I needed in order to become the best person I can be. The experiences I've had have shaped me into the person I am now, and will continue to shape me throughout my life and all eternity. Thank goodness God knows me better than I know myself.
47: Man kann nicht immer sein bestes geben, weil sonst wäre man perfekt.

Continue to give all that you have, but recognize that all that you have changes daily and that the things you need to do change daily too. Just try to do the things that are most important to building your testimony every day - because that's the key to building the testimonies of other people.
48: Based on the number of times I've been hit on on my mission, I should have no problem finding a husband when I get back home. ;)
49: Missions are hard - they have to be. You can't be refined unless you walk through a little fire.
50: I found something I'd die for, and I lived for it.


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