Woah! I'm Halfway There?

Lol, get it, like the Bon Jovi song? Hehe. 

Wednesday, 6th:
I hit my 9 month mark! Still haven't dreamt in German. Still feel like I just got here. Don't really have any crazy insights about it. It happened. Life continues. I actually totally spaced that it was a thing, and had to keep reminding myself that it was a landmark day. 
We met with Bianca to finalize her baptism plans. She's so excited! Her baptism is this Saturday, and we couldn't be happier for her! 
We also went to the Byrom Family and taught the first lesson. The Spirit was definitely there, even if I stumbled over my words in English. They were super sweet, and I'm grateful we have a friendship now. :) 
We also visited the Mohammadis. 
Basically, it was a wonderfully busy day, and a good halfway day. :) 

Thursday, 7th:
We got a call from Präsident Brown last night that we were going to be swapping out our car (we knew its time was coming). So today we did some car cleaning, moving things like CDs that we wanted to keep, vacuuming, etc. 

Friday, 8th:
We had Interviews!!! I loved it so much! I always loving talking to Präsident, and this day was no exception. I kind of got the hint from him that I'm going to be leaving.... He said he hadn't decided anything yet, and you never actually know, but I wouldn't be surprised if I get a call to pack my bags. Transfers aren't for another 2 weeks, though, and lots can change in two weeks! 
We then went finding as a district.

Saturday, 9th:
Stake Conference in Salzburg! We went to the leadership and adult sessions, so it kind of took up our whole day. It was really sweet, though, at the end. Bischof Jaburek offered us a ride in behalf of his father (who's our ward secretary and the family we go to on Wednesdays). So we got to ride back to Wels in a car and had a lovely conversation with Sr. Jaburek about cooking. :) 

Sunday, 10th:
Stake Conference round 2 (well, technically 3)! We saw both the Browns this time, and they even got to meet Bianca! They were so excited to get to meet her, and Bianca said she absolutely loves them. They're angels. 😊

Monday, 11th:
We had Distriktrat, followed by lunch at Burgerista (guacamole burger!), and Distrikt finding. 
We went to the Mohammadis again, and this time they invited us over for dinner! They're going to cook some traditional Afghani food, and I'm hyped. 😁

Tuesday, 12th:
We went to Mauthausen, a concentration camp in the near from Linz. It was definitely sobering... I came away with a renewed appreciation for the Atonement and the Plan of Salvation. 
We lightened the mood by eating lunch at "Maccas" (McDonald's), as our Australian Elder has conditioned us to calling it. 

Favorite new word: Beobachten - to observe
Favorite funny story: Our Distrikt has suddenly become very obsessed with Rubiks cubes. We're like your stereotypical 13 year Olds. Particularly our Distrikt leader, who is determined that we'll all learn how to solve them. 
Favorite spiritual thought: The Rome temple dedication! Oh my goodness! I love all of it! Just look it up and read about it and it'll make you just as pumped as I am. 😄

TLDR: Life is good, and it goes on. I'm apparently over halfway done now. 

Much love!
Sister Hamilton

Pics: I liked the memorial stuff the most at the concentration camp. It was very respectful. Also, we found a really old Spanish pass along card, and left one of our own in German. Also, I didn't get a Pic with our whole district because we were all just kind of wandering everywhere. So... You get 2/3 of us! And maybe if the Elders send us the other pics I can send another next week. 


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