Week 4 - England MTC

After going to the temple - July 1st 2018
1st Month is OVER 
(There is a missionary time-warp)
Companions for a month already 

So, my parents will be happy to know that I am officially NOT the most accident-prone person I know.  That honor goes to my companion, S. Saunders.  For the past bit, she has been hit in the face with a volleyball, jammed her thumb twice, reinjured her thumb with a handshake, and hyperextended her knee to the point where she had to go to the hospital.
My injuries consist of ... nothing! Yay me!

Proselyting yesterday was a bit mixed. We found this one girl who has been wanting to go back to church for a while, but she was catching her bus so we only had a short conversation, but still got some digits. Then we talked to this other girl, not interested. And then we talked to this one guy for a solid hour-and-a-half. I was ready to leave after ten minutes, because it seemed like he really mostly wanted to talk about ethics and that wasn't what we were there for. But in the end, he took a Book of Mormon and gave us his number, so I guess there's that. S. Saunders and S. Baird seem to think it was a really good experience and they're really excited for him, but he had had at least one beer (so I think he was more willing to talk than he usually would have been), and he didn't seem that open to changing his perspectives. So I don't know, maybe I'm just not feeling the Spirit in the way they are. But at least he's going to read the Book of Mormon, so that's all we can really ask of him.

The new people here have been very nice, for the most part. There is one Elder that even the teachers (or maybe especially the teachers) aren't the biggest fan of, but other than that these people are cool. We have missionaries here from America, England, Wales, South Africa, New Zealand, Thailand, China, Portugal, Venezuela, Argentina, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland, and I feel like I'm missing one more... 

Oh, the German districts performed "Ich brauch dich allezeit" in Sacrament meeting, right before everyone bore their testimonies. It was actually pretty fire, despite our entire bass line losing their voices from colds.

The big takeaway from this week has mostly just been a lot of bonding. We're really tight with our teachers, and it's been hilarious listening to some of their mission stories (e.g. See funny quote below).
Also, before the other missionaries left, we were close as a district, but we've really started to come together as a whole mission (basically, we've made friends with the other district). It's great, and I love talking to the Elders; I think that's something I'm really going to miss in two weeks time. But it's fine. It's not like I care. *wipes away a tear*

It's weird thinking about how I've already been here for a month - and that I only have 17 more to go. I know it might sound like a long time to other people, but for me 17 months is not enough! Mostly because this past month has felt like a week. The missionary time-warp is a real thing.

Anyway, that's mostly it for this week. We've been working hard (or hardly working, take your pick), so there aren't many stories to tell.

Funny quote:
"All I could think about was how I had been sending letters to the President about how I was going to kill my companion if we were together for too much longer, and now he was just conveniently under a train that was about to leave the station because he conveniently climbed under it to grab a planner that he had conveniently dropped." -My teacher

Favorite new word:
Nie und nimmer! - which means "No way!" and can be used exactly how it would in English

Favorite spiritual thought/quote:
"Don't just sip from the living waters. Let it wash over you and renew you into a true disciple of Christ."
- Pres. Dieter Uchtdorf

Viel Glück, meine geliebte Freunde,
~Sister Hamilton


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