Bittersweet Symphony

Mittwoch, 13th:
So we started Wednesday off with a banger. We're working on contacting every member in our ward list, and we had set up an appointment a while ago with this woman. So we showed up at her house, and she buzzed us up. When she opened the door, it didn't open all the way so we kind of had to maneuver our way into the house. We soon discovered why. This woman and her husband are hoarders. Granted, I'm not sure they were bad enough to appear on the TV show, but MAN. It was gross. I'm so grateful for my mom for making me so clutter-adverse. The only thing keeping me sane in that appointment was the zen garden in the corner with the many plants and little trickling water falls. What added to the excitement is that the husband was actually the member, he only spoke French, and he didn't want to talk about the church. He laughed at the scripture we shared with him and his wife told him off, I think he might have tried to give us drawings of birds he had made. We sneakily left a Book of Mormon with them, and they guy told us he wants to come to church to practice the organ, but only when no one else is there (he's not interested in religion anymore). He also tried to get us to come to HIS apartment, because they had 2 right next to each other. He wanted to show us his organ, and we just said we had to bounce, so we dashed outta there. Then he chased us out of the building with the Book of Mormon he found that we had left, and we used Google translate to tell him it was for his wife. He shook his head and walked back in with it. We're still not completely sure what happened, but. Such is life. 
We had Tausch with the Reinach Sisters, which we had actually forgotten about, so because we had a couple more appointments and Sister Smith is actually the one staying and consequently needs to build relationships with the members, we spontan switched around the plans (originally I was going to be staying in Basel) and I went to Reinach with Sister Rimmer. So I wrote a note for Sister Caminada because I wouldn't get to see her (and I got the report that she was very touched by it). We also got more Frozen Joghurt, because #TauschTreat. The Reinach Sisters had talked about it beforehand and decided that for our Tausch, because Sister Rimmer and I are going home (and consequently are exhausted), the most productive thing for us to do would be to sleep. So we took a nap. It felt sooo good. I woke up and felt so refreshed and ready to go, which was great because we had an appointment with a young mom and her 2 year old son. They're members in Pratteln, but because the Elders can't visit, the Sisters get the benefit. The son's name is Tadashi, so for any missionaries who have heard of Tadashi, it's true; he really does make you baby trunky (I'm looking at you, Anika and Sister Frome). 
After that appointment we bought ice cream and went home. 

Donnerstag, 14th:
We slept in (still doing that resting thing) and had a chill morning getting ready. I worked on my Homecoming talk for personal study while Sister Rimmer kept sleeping. 
We Untausched and went straight to an appointment with the Familie Warncke (the older couple who are good friends with the Uchtdorfs). They were so sweet again, and I'm still not tired of hearing all of their stories. They're so precious! 
We went 2 stations farther into Germany to go by on another less active. Apparently the name we had is her son's name, and they don't even have the same last name so we were struggling to find her on the doorbell list. Luckily after a phone call, she popped her head out the window and it all worked out. Her dog loved me, and we learned that she's down to meet with us but doesn't really have interest in coming back to church. So we tried to set up another appointment and hopefully we'll work on that. 
We went home as quickly as we could and picked up things to stay overnight with the Reinach Sisters, and then we ran over to a Relief Society service activity where we learned how to fold Christmas stars and baked cookies (I also got a fire roasted almond recipe yeeee). They were making little baggies to give to people. 
Then we went to the Reinach Sisters for a Sleep over! (Don't worry, it was approved) 

Freitag, 15th:
The reason we stayed overnight was because of Zone Conference!!! We were all so pumped (and a little nervous because it was my last one so that meant I had to give my dying testimony). We traveled to Zürich and showed up a little early. We had an amazing conference. The Ehepaare made us Thanksgiving dinner for lunch, and it was soooooo sweet of them! The non-Americans didn't really get it, but Sister Brown shared the background of Thanksgiving and I think that made more sense. They were giving some of us flu shots, and a girl also had a seizure-type thing that at first they were scared was a reaction to the shot but ended up just being a pinched nerve or something. She recovered pretty quickly. I realised how messed up I am because it basically happened right next to me and I was so intrigued by the whole thing and I just wanted to watch, but then after it was resolved and the Sister was helped out of the room, I looked around and realised that most of the people around me had been quite disturbed by it and one girl was even crying. But I had a good talk with the mission nurse afterwards (she asked Sister Smith and I if we were okay, having watched that) and she was surprised that I was interested and explained it to me. It had a cool name, too, but I forgot it. But enough about that. Sister Smith and I sang "Wie groß bist du" as a musical number - I kind of messed up but it was fun. I did a solo-ish thing, and that was wack because I never thought I'd have the confidence to sing a solo. Shows how much I've changed since coming on a mission. I also gave my dying testimony, which I did auf Deutsch and got a recording of (for you, Mom and Dad!). I loved seeing my friends, but man it seriously stabbed me in the heart to say goodbye to Elder Buss and Elder Porter. Like, shaking their hands for the last time.... I wanted to just cry! But, I'll be at their home comings and maybe I can lobby to be a groomsman at their weddings, lol.
We left for home with full hearts, spirits, and stomachs. 
We slept over again at the Reinach Sisters' because we would've been late getting home and we needed to pick up our clothes anyway. So we went to their apartment and had a Raclette party. They had a Raclette machine, so we celebrated Switzerland together before going to bed. 

Samstag, 16th:
In the morning we finally actually got home-home, in Wyhlen. We basically just did studies and finding, and I don't remember too much from this day. 
Oh, wait, actually, there was a rowing competition or something on this day. It was cool because all day we saw really attractive, healthy, sporty people walking on the streets in matching jackets, and then there were a lot of rowboats swimming up the Rhein. It was called like Mirabaud Baselhead Regatta or something. Feel free to look it up. 

Sonntag, 17th:
We went Finding in the morning, because we were behind in our hours. 
We met up with Reetu in Claraplatz because she came to CHURCH! Ah! It was so exciting! It was also the DKA (Darbietung des Kindes Abendmahlsversammlung = Primary Program), so the music really touched her. 2 more of our friends also came, but we've passed them both off to the Elders. But that means Basel had 3 friends at church! Even though it's all the way out in Pratteln! There's actually something that's really hit me since serving here and meeting in a building way outside of the city because our actual church is being renovated - if the church is true, then it's never too much to ask. Yes, when we invite our friends we tell them they have to travel an hour to church. But you see, it's true. So it's worth it. No matter what we may be asked to sacrifice for the gospel, it is never too much. It is ALWAYS worth it. 
We had an Ausstellung after church, and it was incredibly cold/freezing and raining (well, it snowed at one point but the snow melted once it touched the ground). But I love rainy days - that's when you see the most miracles! God sees that you're willing to keep working even in bad weather, and He blesses you for it. As cold as we were, we didn't really notice while we were talking with people. So cool. Ha, get it? 
We went to the Familie Nordstrom again. This time they made us Pho (the Vietnamese cow tail soup stuff). It was actually quite good. They also made us chocolate chip cookies and they added molasses to them and man, were they good. We had an amazing spiritual thought about... Ha, look down below and then you'll see. 

Montag, 18th:
We did Weekly planning in the morning and texted a lot of people. 
We did a little bit of Finding. 
We met with Anna, a potential and now a new friend. She's a university student who's our age, and she's not very religious but loves hearing about other people's perspectives. She was mega sweet, and I'm glad that we have another friend. 
We had our Distriktrat in the evening, and we ended up being 40 minutes late to it #oops. We made lasagna and had that for Distrikt dinner.

Dienstag, 19th:
We started the Morning with an Ausstellung, where it was cold and early so not too many people were very happy to be talking (including the Elders). But we had a few good conversations, and we even handed out a few copies of the Book of Mormon (and the Pratteln Elders got a potential!). 
We went to LUZERN today, because even though it's not in our zone we got permission From Präsident Brown. We walked the bridge and saw the sad French Lion and I bought some macaroons (heaven) and we basically just walked around a little. I loved it. 😁

Favorite new word: Esp, castaña - chestnut / Deu, beängstigend - daunting, vermächtnis - legacy (I also learned another word but it's not exactly appropriate so I won't put it in here 😇 Gotta love what the native Germans teach you) / Schwyzer Dütsch, Guetzli or Gützli - Keks - cookie/biscuit
Favorite funny story: So I slept for 3 nights in a row at the Reinach Sisters apartment, so I told Sister Smith what Mom always says about that: "Guests are like fish. They start to stink after 3 days." We laughed, but then we went back for the 4th day to drop something off, and Sister Smith asked the Sisters if we smelled like fish. They looked very confused. That's my best story from this week. :) Oh. That and a very lovely word that I learned from Elder Bast that I won't be teaching any of you. 
Favorite spiritual thought: Alma 37:36-45 We shared it as like a gratitude scripture, and it was so wonderful because the Nordstroms just participated beautifully! They talked about how much our lives could be changed if we just start each morning being so grateful that we've even just been given another day to live. It was so touching and the Spirit was so strong. We also talked about the scriptures and how often times we just need to look at them and read them, and then they can bring power to our lives. Verses 36-37 are some of my long-time favorites but in general it's just a good section. I invite each of you to pick something from those verses and apply it in your life this week! 

TLDR: We've basically spent the whole week with the Reinach Sisters. We had Zone Conference and I gave my departing testimony, and the last official landmark I have left on my mission is my last Fast Sunday, which is the last Sunday of my mission. So.... I'm basically a dead woman walking. I go home so soon, and I'm having so many good experiences here. Enjoy your last 2 weeks without me! 

Viele Liebe to all you homies,
Sister Hamilton

The rowing competition
Lasagna with our distrikt
Christmas decorations in the Basel rathaus
My Linz family (Elder Porter is Elder Buss's and my son)


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