
Wednesday, 17th:
We went and helped Arash with his English homework again. Right before we left, they fed us homemade döners - which included some of the best meat ice ever tasted, and grass. Never just straight up eaten grass before, but it was actually quite good! 

Thursday, 18th:
We almost missed our train down to Innsbruck for Tausch, but good news we made it! It was long, but pretty. 
I was with Sister Rowley, who's in her first transfer. We did some finding, took an Eis break (I got "American Dream" - literally just Reese's flavored (peanuts and Nutella), and so good), bonded, etc. I loved being in Innsbruck with the MOUNTAINS! ❤️ Then we went to institute, had taco salad, and a great gospel discussion between 6 missionaries, a senior couple, and one JAE. 

Friday, 19th:
We woke up in Innsbruck and went for a run to a little park. Had fun there, ran back, did studies, then left for Wels. 
I had gone to bed last night and started coughing a little, and as the day went on I just felt more and more sick. 

Saturday, 20th:
We woke up, and I was definitely SICK. Yaaayyyyy. So what do you do when you're sick as a missionary? Of course you go to Choir practice, clean a less-active's home, eat lunch with them, and go to a devotional. Totally healthy. 
But yeah, so choir practice went well, aside from the fact that I couldn't actually tell what I sounded like because my ears were clogged. But it was fun being with everyone and the piece sounded great. 
We went to Schwester Unuharhemhen's to help clean her home with her kids and their friends, and while we cleaned she made us lunch (spicy rice, a chunk of fish, and a boiled egg). It was actually quite tasty, and I think I'm starting to get a little more used to spice, because I didn't want to die. The fish was an interesting experience (spine, scales, and everything), but with careful maneuvering it tasted good. 
Elder Uchtdorf did a devotional for all of the German-speaking members, so of course we went and watched that (listened to his fire German). I really liked when he held up a gold Lindt chocolate Easter bunny and a Christus statue and asked which Easter we were emphasizing. Also, I liked listening to the Celestial Language. ;) 

Sunday, 21st:
We sang part of Haydn's "Schöpfung" with the whole Schmidl clan, and Brigitte Schmidl even came up to us after and told us that we were officially a part of her family now. I officially have an Austrian family! ❤
We drove out to Haag after church for a member appointment with Michelle Falke and her cousin/friends. It was a lot of fun because most of them are return missionaries, so it was easy to bond.
We went home and I took a quick sick-Nap, and then I called my family! It was so wonderful to be able to talk to almost everyone, and the kids were so big and so cute! 

Monday, 22nd:
We had Distrikt meeting, and Distrikt finding (even though my whole Distrikt tried to get me to go home because I'm sick, we settled for 2 hours of finding). It was great! 
We helped Arash with his homework again, and then Ewaz, the dad, gave us some food to take home and let me tell you what, even though I couldn't taste it, the texture of the rice was herrlich! 

Tuesday, 23rd:
We slept for 12 hours because, oh wait, still sick. Then we took a lazy day and just hung around our apartment and drew things. 

Favorite new word: zart - delicate
Favorite funny story: Does being sick count? 'Cause that's a joke. 
Favorite spiritual thought: Easter! I don't have time to truly share a spiritual thought, but just look up things about Easter and that'll be pretty solid. 

TLDR: I'm sick. Easter is great. Elder Uchtdorf is phenomenal. 

Much love to everyone!
Liebe Grüße aus Österreich,
Sister Hamilton

Pics: Adventures in Innsbruck


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